Have you ever experienced a computer problem that left you feeling frustrated and helpless? You’re not alone. From slow performance to pesky viruses, there are countless issues that can plague our beloved machines. But fear not, as we’ve compiled a list of 4 computer problems and solutions, that we all typically deal with.
There are more issues that we can cover, but these 4 are the top ones that most computer users deal with.
Whether you’re a seasoned tech wizard or a novice user, these tips will help you troubleshoot your way out of the typical tech issues that tend to create havoc for us.
So sit back, relax, and let’s dive into these tech issues, and the corresponding solutions to solve them.
Slow Performance
This is one of the most popular issues among computer users, a slow computer. The reality is that your computer will slow down over time, the more you use it and the more software you have installed.
Also, with technology continuously improving and getting more advanced, your computer will eventually start to become outdated. This contributes to its slowing down because it’s unable to keep up with the latest technology.
In most cases, it’s a hardware issue.
By hardware, I’m talking about your RAM (Random Access Memory), Hard drive, CPU (Central Processing Unit), and the entire motherboard. So let’s cover them individually and provide a solution as to what you can do to solve the problem for each one.
RAM (Random Access Memory)
RAM is one of the easiest hardware components to troubleshoot. It’s one of the first places that I start with when troubleshooting a slow computer. You almost can’t go wrong either by adding more RAM or replacing the RAM that you have with a better-performing one.
The more RAM you have installed on your computer, the faster it’ll perform.
If you suspect that RAM is the culprit to your computer being slow, then I suggest you find out what type of RAM your computer uses by heading over to Crucial’s website. Their website has technology that can scan your computer to let you know what type of RAM your specific computer uses, and the maximum amount it can take.
You can purchase your RAM directly from Crucial’s website or your local electronic store, like Best Buy. They’re also available to purchase on Amazon.
Hard Drive
Your computer’s hard drive is where all your data resides. Everything that you save on your computer is saved to the hard drive, and it can go bad from everyday wear and tear. In a lot of cases, the hard drive will start to slow down if it’s almost full.
The best remedy for this situation is to add additional storage to your computer, via an external hard drive or jump drive. That way, you can move data from your main hard drive onto the external drive.
Another option, and probably the best one is replacing your hard drive with another drive that has a larger storage space.
Just keep in mind before replacing your hard drive, you would need to backup your data, and create an image to capture all the software and settings that are currently set on your old hard drive. Windows now has a built-in tool that allows you to create an image of your hard drive.
Below is a video on how to create an image within Windows 10.
It’s a world of difference.
CPU (Central Processing Unit) and Motherboard
The CPU is the heart and brain of the computer, without it nothing else operates. If you’ve concluded that the CPU is the culprit for a slow computer, you have two choices. Replace the CPU or get a new computer.
In replacing the CPU, ensure that it’s compatible with the motherboard. In many cases, CPUs and motherboards tend to be sold together as a package because they’re virtually in sync. It also makes things easier for you as the buyer that you’re getting the appropriate CPU processor compatible with your motherboard.
If this is too complicated of a task for you to do, you can always find a tech to help do it for you.
On the other hand, you can also decide to get a new computer altogether. Sometimes, getting a new computer proves to be more economical than replacing the CPU and/or motherboard. Another thing to factor in here is with a new computer, you’ll be up to date with the latest technology.
Blue Screen of Death
No one likes to see this screen, not even us techies.
When this screen appears, we know this is not a good sign for our computer. That means something is seriously wrong that needs attention right away!
BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) is almost always hardware related. The key to troubleshooting a BSOD is to pay attention to the error code that you’re getting. That code will tell you what component is giving issues.
You may be asking, how does one figure out what the error code means if they’re usually displayed in a string of numbers and letters?
My secret, and probably most other techies, that won’t admit it, is Google. Yup, that good ole search engine that we’ve all grown to love and adore.
Do a Google search (on a computer that’s working or a smartphone) on exactly what the error message is displaying.
Google will display what the code is associated with and what hardware component, and you’ll soon discover that there are tons of other people who have had a similar BSOD experience as you did. And soon you’ll realize you’re not alone.
Again, it’s almost always hardware related. So troubleshoot the defective hardware component, using the tips I’ve provided above, and you should be well on your way to solving that dreaded blue screen.
Virus and Malware Infections
Are you tired of dealing with pesky viruses and malware on your computer?
It’s a common problem that many computer users face. There are a ton of viruses and malware that are constantly being released each day. When your computer is infected with a virus or malware, yes, this will definitely affect the performance of your computer.
To get a better understanding, let’s define viruses and malware.
This is a type of malware that attaches itself to a document or program and replicates itself every time that application or program is opened. Over time, if not treated, this will compromise the performance of the applications on your computer and the overall computer itself.
The term malware is a term that covers any kind of software or code that was designed to do harm to your system. Examples of malware include ransomware, Spyware, Trojans, Viruses, etc. All these software or codes were designed to do harm. They all fall under the umbrella of malware.
The key to protecting your computer against viruses and other malware is to be proactive.
Your first line of defense against viruses and other malware is to have anti-virus software on your computer. There are many debates as to what anti-virus applications are the best ones to get, that’s for another article altogether. What’s really important is that you get one installed.
The two that I’d recommend are Norton and McAfee.
Having an anti-virus installed will help detect and remove any viruses or malware that may be lurking in the background. Which will definitely play a role in compromising your computer’s performance. Additionally, be careful when downloading files or attachments from unknown sources as they may contain harmful software.
The next thing that you want to do is keep your operating system up-to-date with the latest security patches and updates.
Yeah, I know they can sometimes be a pain to install, but updates often include fixes for known vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit to infect your computer with malware.
Lastly, backup important files regularly to avoid losing data if a virus destroys it or forces you to wipe out everything in order to fix the issue.
Network Connection Issues
Network problems can be a frustrating experience for anyone, and can impact your computer for sure. However, there are several things you can do to troubleshoot this issue, as there are several components that allow for your network connection to be possible.
So let’s look at these components more closely and provide some tips on how to troubleshoot each.
A modem is what your local ISP (Internet Service Provider), such as Verizon, Cox Communication, or Comcast uses to allow you access to the Internet. Without a modem, there is no Internet, period.
The best troubleshooting method I can suggest, if you have a troublesome modem, is to reboot the modem.
By reboot, I mean unplugging the power for the modem, waiting a few seconds, and plugging the power back in. If this doesn’t solve your issue and your modem is still having issues, reach out to the ISP for that modem and explain to them what is happening with your modem. They will be able to access the modem on their end to see exactly what the issue is and resolve it for you.
They can also see if the modem is defective and can send you a new one if needed, free of charge.
This is the next device that plays a major role in you having network and Internet connection. Your router is the device that directs the traffic within and outside your network. Your router is usually connected to a modem to receive the Internet service, and then it connects all the computers on a local network together and gives them access to the Internet.
In other instances, your modem and router can be two devices in one. Many ISPs’ modern modem, also has routing capabilities. So for troubleshooting purposes, you will be troubleshooting two components on one device.
My troubleshooting tip here is the same as it is for a modem.
Reboot your router if you suspect it to be the cause of your network connection issue. You can also reset your router to factory settings if the reboot method doesn’t work. All routers have a reset button that is accessible only by a pen or paper clip. Pressing and holding this button for 20 seconds or more will reset the router to factory settings.
If none of the above works, you can always replace your router with a new one.
Ethernet cable
Also called LAN (Local Area Network) cable, the ethernet cable is what physically connects your computer to your router. The best troubleshooting tip here is to replace a bad ethernet cable with a good one.
It’s easy to overlook the ethernet cable as the problem because it’s a simple cable that can easily be replaced. So rule it out as a possibility of your network connectivity issue.
WiFi Adapter
This is the device that allows you to connect to the Internet wirelessly. Yes, these devices can and do go bad. Whether it’s for your laptop or desktop, if you’re having issues with your WiFi adapter, you can always invest in getting an external one that connects to your computer via USB.
Final Thoughts
So there you have it, 4 computer problems and solutions that most computer users contend with on a regular basis. As an IT Consultant, these are the most common ones that I myself have had to resolve for many of my clients.
All other tech problems usually is a subsidiary of one of the four tops mentioned here in this article.
Solving any or all of the computer problems mentioned here in this article will most likely take care of 90% of all the other computer issues that may occur. And the troubleshooting tips I’ve provided for each one will definitely get you on your way to solving that specific issue.
If it doesn’t solve the issue directly, it will at least get you going in the right direction to solving that computer problem.