Managed Service

What is Managed Service?

First, let’s define this term Managed Service.  It is the outsourcing of managing responsibilities for your computers, network and server to a third party.  Managed Service is a proactive approach to tech support.  It’s the replacement of the traditional break-fix approach to computer related issues.  The break-fix approach is “I have a computer problem that needs fixing, call the IT/computer guy”.  While you wait for help to arrive, there’s down time, in which you’re losing money.  In addition to this lose, you’re also having to pay the IT/computer guy to solve the problem, in which case is also expensive.

Managed Service prevents this from occurring.  It’s software (aka agent) is installed on all your computers, servers, and in some cases smart phones, and monitors them 24/7.  Every issues for every device that’s monitored gets reported in real time to the company (your outsourced IT company) that’s providing you with this service.  That company is then able to work on the issues of those problems, to better maintain the computer, again in real time.  This all takes place behind the scenes, without there being any interruption of work, and very little down time to your company.  It essentially catches the problem, before they happen.

How do You Benefit?

In plain English, you get a piece of mind.  No more worrying about whether or not you are covered in terms of security, data backup, and functionality.  All of which, and more are covered under Managed Service.  It’s also predictable.  Because your systems are being monitored 24/7, you know what to expect each day, each week, and each month.  Allowing yourself this peace of mind is priceless.

You have a dedicated “team” that’ll provide more value to your company, and cost a fraction of having all this done in house.  Consider making the upgrade, and consider implementing this power service into your company’s culture.  See below on how to get started.


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